“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” -Buddha

July 8, 2010

I forgot I had a blog.
Okay, really I didn't.
My life is just so busy and exciting I don't have time to blog.
Okay, really it's not.
Here's the good news. I'm not going to try and cover my 4 months of absence in one long rambling post. I'm just going to pick things up where they are.... but a little catch up first!

  •  Age: now 22
  • Sex: Female
  • Location: same
  • Daughter: Yes, and she is still amazing.
  • Relationship Status: In lots of love!
  • Work: Trichology Salon
  • School: Pretending it doesn't exist for another month.
Okay. Well now that we're all on the same page!
Does anyone else find it hard to believe it's July? I remember when the school year would drag on. and on. and on. The summer was finally here and it was never long enough. But, it was definitely longer than it is now! 
I remember January better than I do last week. So, I guess it's time to start embracing the moments; before they fly by and you forget them!

And it's time to be happy!

I have always thought I was pretty positive, but I think we can become so passive in the way we allow ourselves to think, we quit focusing on retaining the positive thoughts, and we're back to being Negative Nancy's before we realize it!

If you ever have to ask yourself why your life is falling apart. It's probably because you're allowing it to! (minus deaths and such) I don't know why it's so hard for us to wrap our heads around the fact that we actually control our own lives-- please know this is more for me to tell myself than preach to anyone else-- and with that, we control our happiness and everything that brings joy to us! So, I'm going to take time for myself. everyday. seriously everyday. In that time I'm going to do something that makes me feel happy, confident, loved, sexy, empowered... yada yada yada. and I urge you all to do the same. yes. you. my six followers! The difference it makes is amazing, yet makes so much sense! We can change our happiness in a day, actually in a minute if we choose to do so.

okay. I am now bringing my head out of the clouds.

Prelsey got her first pet yesterday... a frog. Not the type of frog that you can hear or hold, it doesn't even smell.. unless, you go too long without cleaning the tank. Yes. Presley is the proud owner of an aquatic frog. Princess Tiana. (The Princess and the Frog happens to be her favorite movie right now.) She is quite the princess too, her tank is full of "diamonds" and "rubies" AND she has webbed toes... so there you have it a true princess.

Now, onto P.T.'s tragedy, Presley doesn't quite understand that we shouldn't move Tiana's tank around too much. So yesterday, she was carrying the little aquatic wonderland to show Grandma Nancy her new pride and joy when one of the frog's delicate princess feet we're trapped under a ruby bigger than her. I explained to Presley how careful she needed to be and P.T. managed to swim away from the catastrophe unharmed. Or so I thought. As I was sitting here typing away, I checked in on the little gem and her hind foot is suddenly missing its webbing and crippled up to her body.

Poor, Poor Tiana.

Matt's quote on the matter,"...and how is it you do this amazing job of raising a little girl by yourself, yet you nearly kill a tiny frog in eighteen hours?"

Thank Heaven's Presley has already left with her dad for the weekend. So, I will now be leaving to do away with this once a princess and find her a replacement. Before my own princess returns.

Until next time! (which should be sooner that four months)

March 3, 2010

We love panties.

Little Miss Presley Ann is...
         I really wish I could take credit for this feat, but I can't... She did it all on her own

Okay, She may have had a little Nudge from me... Monday morning I was getting her out of her diaper and thought to myself, I wonder what would happen if I just didn't put a diaper back on.... So, I told her, "Presley you don't have a diaper on, so if you pee, it's going to go all over your leg and the kids at daycare will laugh and say you stink." -I know I'm a great mom. I say wonderful things to my child. So about 5 minutes later, she came running in the bathroom, jumped on the potty and tinkled! 

I was shocked, literally. Stunned. Then of course, there was a 5 minute series of clapping and high fives, pound-its, and whooping. She has since been pretty good about it, today she only had one "opps!" and that's it, so the process isn't finalized. It is closer than it has ever been though, and I'm way more excited about excreting bladders and B.M's than I ever thought I would be!

ahhhh... the joy's of motherhood!

This little lady is not only wearing panties, but she's also cracking jokes left and right. I laugh more at her than I do anyone. So here are a my two favorites from today...

  • 8 AM: Me: Presley, we need to find your shoes.
                Presley: Mom. (sigh) Don't talk to me!
                Me: What!? Why can't I talk to you?
                Presley: Cause, I got a headache, I need my coffee
    She then tried to convince me she was wearing Ice Skates instead of shoes today. Her "Ice Skates" were... her "Dora phone" under one foot, and her "Barbie phone" under the other...?
    She has recently developed a fetish with ice-skating-thanks 2010 Olympics.
  • 5 PM: Presley: Guess what mom....
               Me: What pres?
               Presley: (points out the window) I climbed that mountain.
    She said it like such a bad ass too, like some guy in a Ed Hardy shirt, bragging about how much he just bench pressed. 
The coffee thing killed me, because I suddenly realized I say this to her probably every morning. Whenever she starts to whine or the, "mom. mom. moooo-om." routine, I say, "Presley, don't start. Mom's got a headache and she needs her coffee before all of that begins."Once again, I say great things to my daughter... Parenting 101. I should probably write a book on it.

okay, quick catch up on the last post. I ended up having 4 days to find a new salon... 4... Valhalla didn't seem like the right choice, so I am now at Beyond Hair. I love it so far. It's been slightly stressful trying to contact all of my clients and let them know where I am. As well as tell the same story 60 (literally 60) times. Other than that, it's great! I am even starting a little shop/business, call it what you will, inside of the salon, called 
... I realize I need to clean up the logo a little bit, but it's a start! I'm so excited! 

Good Night!

February 22, 2010


WOW.... that about sums up the day! I'm completely over-whelmed right now, or in shock... I haven't quite decided yet! Probably both....

So here is the "play-by-play"...I stayed at my mom's in Kaysville last night. I don't know why I keep doing this on Sunday nights because I have class in Logan at 8:30. The class is Writing and it's by far my favorite class right now. I had forgotten how much I really love to write and just how healing it can be! (I just had a spider come crawling across my keyboard and nearly threw my laptop out the window. It was this little brown creepy thing. Pretty sure it was plotting an attack on my fingers. Which would have most likely killed me. I smashed him with my glass of water, then threw up a little) So writing, it is fantastic. Which leads me to my first big news of the day, it's now my major. What I'm doing with it.... I haven't quite decided, but I'm so excited about this! Dream JOB: Writing for a magazine. I realize how much talent and luck it takes to get a magazine job though, Luck being a key factor, the right recognition and knowing the right people. If I haven't fallen upon any such luck at the end of my BA program, I'll go to graduate school in marketing instead of writing. It's a win-win situation and I feel so confident about it right now. We'll see what tomorrow brings! 
BIG NEWS number two! My mom is for sure moving back to California. I'm not ready to think about this so that's all I'm saying. I'm being selfish for the night. I'll be happy for them tomorrow. 
After a few hours at work I had a phone call from one of my  best friends and she is getting 
MARRIED!!  I couldn't be happier for her! (I'm not saying who this is until she has had a chance to spread the news on her own.) If anyone deserves so much happiness though, it's this girl! That's not even the best part, okay maybe it's the best part, but there is this other really great part! I am going to be her maid-of-honor! I'm completely honored to fulfill this duty. Plus, I'm going to throw the best Bachelorette Party ever! Ladies... prepare yourselves. 
Okay, good news, bad news (well bad for me), good news.... I hate just bad news, so this one is a combination. Phat Lashes is closing. Well... merging with Valhalla. I have the option though, if I want to "merge" or take my clientele and move to another salon/spa. Valhalla is sounding like the right choice and front-runner right now. This is a BIG change. I had no idea until tonight. I'll give more details when I know them. 
I'm leaving this slightly open-ended tonight.... I'm exhausted and the day went from 7:00am-10:00pm before I actually made it home and allowed this all to sink in. I actually don't think any of it has sunk in yet. It's all fighting to though and we can hope it does before too long! 

Goodnight peeps! ....and yes I just called you all peeps.

February 19, 2010

Hello World!

       So I'm Blogging! I'm not really sure why... And I'm not going to make any promises about how much I will update. But I like to write from time to time, and it seems like blogging is almost required if you are a mother in Utah, which I am! Well sort of, I'm one pair of diamond studded jeans, an interchangeable purse and military style hat away from being a Utah mom! (you can most likely expect a lot of off key thoughts like this popping up) For those of you who have been out of the loop on Presley and I, lets play catch up! 
     Now... where to begin. I'm now 21, (22 in April) and Miss Presley is now 2, some days she's VERY 2. (3 in July.) I am currently working in Logan at Phat Lashes-yes phat with a P-H -as an esthetician. I make women feel pretty, I love my job. I am also a student at USU, mostly because whenever a survey asks for my occupation "Esthetician" isn't listed. "Student" however is, and I didn't feel like changing occupations (yet) so I'm an Aggie! Majoring in Marketing, with an emphasis in design. I'm hoping to do advertising in the interior design industry, actually any industry. I actually love school, it doesn't always love me back, but so far it has been great!  
On to the princess, and she is a princess just ask her!
       This kind of sums her up, she's amazing! She's the funniest, cutest, sweetest, naughtiest, craziest, lovable, loud, playful, cuddliest, did I mention cutest? Little girl ever! I now understand that old mom cliche about children being, "the light of their world." She really is mine. She will most likely be the source of most posts, as she tends make my best stories. And that's about it for us! Okay a few photos for February so far and then I'm done!
       Presley's Hair had grown down to the middle of her back. And between the natural curl, and the fact that she wouldn't let me do it, it was completely out of control! So we chopped it all off! I took her to cookie cutters in Ogden, we had so much fun! If you have a small child I highly recommend taking them here! The girls in my salon do an amazing job, but Princess Presley usually gets frustrated mid-haircut and attempts to throw combs, spray bottles, scissors, anything she can get her hands on really, at the girls. (Those are the days when she is very 2.) This is why we decided to try something different and it worked! She picked out a movie to watch, sat in a little car instead of a chair, played on a jungle gym, and received a lollipop. OH, and a BOB! :)
The next day was Valentines Day! And we made the most delicious Cup Cakes! (We also made cookies, brownies, and fantastic pasta! But I only got cupcake pictures.)
That's all for now!