“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” -Buddha

January 11, 2011

2011- Resolution to not be broken (Seriously this time)

Happy New Year! 
I do realize I'm 11 days late. 

I've been meaning to post for quite sometime, but I decided to wait for my busiest day, thus far in the new year, to do so. Literally, it's gone something like this....
6:30 AM-Yoga
9:00 AM-4:30PM-Back to school (back to school) classes including- Creative Arts,Media Smarts(Love it when classes rhyme), US Government and Politics, and Rapid Visualization in Interior Design.
5:00PM-Pick up Presley from daycare, she looks horrible, (she has been fighting a bug since Friday.) I decide I better take her to insta-care since she seems to be getting worse.
6:30PM-1 nose swab, 3 chest x-rays, and endless probing and poking later, we end up with a diagnosis that she indeed is sick, very sick, Influenza, dual ear-infections, and early pneumonia. 
Let me be clear here, I had no idea she was this sick! Being such a tough little girl, she has hardly complained about aches or pains, it's been the sniffles, a fever, heavy eyes and extra snuggles. Those were my only symptoms to go on.
She amazes me.
7:00PM-While waiting for prescriptions to be filled, I contact all of tomorrows clients to reschedule my week. She can't go back to daycare until Monday.
7:30PM-We Finally make it home-2 prescriptions and chocolate milk in tow-to bundle up, turn on "Despicable Me" and call it a night. 

After getting her tucked in I knew I needed some 'me time' before diving into a pile of syllabuses and reading assignments.  And being required to write so much for school, I have forgotten how therapeutic it is when done for pleasure. That being said...
New Years Resolution #23143-Write, just to write. I don't care if it's on a napkin, in a notebook, on my blog, or somewhere within the depths of my iPhone. I need to do it. 1 word or 3,000. Beautifully spoken or complete babbling bullshit. I swear to write more.

So that's all, that's all you get after how ever many excessive months it has been since my last post. Because I feel better, and I have a ton to accomplish tonight.

And I'd like to promise to post sooner this time, but we all know it probably won't happen.

So, until then...


  1. I hope Miss Presley Poo gets better quickly!! Its no good to have a sick girl!

  2. Oh man! Sounds like a rough day for sure! I miss you two so much! We really need to plan something sometime soon! I hate that it comes and goes in spurts! We need to make that a new years resolution too!
    love you both!
